出典: TechCrunch Europe NSFW: Nobody suspects the Spanish politician
ちょうどイギリスで狂牛病が流行っていた 1980 ~ 96 年にイギリスに 1 日以上滞在した人は、献血をすることができないように制限されていたようです。
私は一時期貧血気味だったので、しばらく献血をしていないのですが、過去には思いっきりこの制限にひっかかるのに献血していました。この規制ができた 2005 年よりも前だから仕方がなかったのですが…。
世の中、豚インフルエンザ騒動で献血不足になっているからか、今までの「1 日以上滞在した人」という制限が「1 か月以上滞在した人」にまで緩くされたそうです。
血液を介しては BSE は感染しない、という科学的な根拠もあるわけで、長年すっかり仮想敵にされてしまっていたんですね。
Relaxation Of Regulations For Visitors Travelling to the UK
An event of blood donation is taken place at our office building this week.
The sign of "relaxation of of regulation for visitors traveling to the UK" made me frightened enough.
It means visitors to the UK during 1980 and 1996 are not allowed to offer blood to avoid infection by BSE.
I haven't donated my blood for many years, since I suffered from anemia a bit. Definitely I did against the regulation (I visited and stayed in the UK several times during the period), but it was before 2005 when the regulation was introduced...anyway.
These days, the panic caused by swine flu resulted in the shortage of blood in Japan. It pushed the authority to ease the regulation from "visitor who stayed in the UK for more than a day" to "...for more than a month".
Scientific basis has already shown no connection of BSE with blood infection. Japan government set up blood infection as a imaginary enemy.
イギリスでは、昨年一年間でポケットに忘れられたままドライクリーニングに出された USB メモリが 4,500 個もあったらしい。これでも前年に比べて半減したそうです。これってイギリスだけじゃないでしょうね。
記事にも書かれていますが、最近はもっと大容量な iPod やネットブック、スマートフォン等々があるので、USB メモリの出番は少なめ。そのためにドライクリーニングに出せれる USB メモリの総数も減ったと言われています。
すでにイギリスにいた頃、大学のラボ(というとカッコイイ響きだけど、コンピュータールームのこと)で作業をして、さらにそれを家に持ち帰って…ということで、教材やデータベースや WEB サイトの素材などをいつも持ち歩かなくてはいけなかったので、USB メモリでは足りず、私の必需品はポータブルハードディスクでした。
USBドライブって、英語だと "USB thumb drive" とか "USB Sticks" って呼ぶんですね。
ところで、Digital Media のコースに通っていた頃、ポータブルハードディスクをみんな「レイシー」って呼んでいました。当時のイギリスは LaCie 社の製品が独占状態だったんですね。LaCie 社のハードディスクはクリエイティブ系の人が好きそうな、デザインの凝った製品が多いのです。
留学当時、IODATA のポータブルハードディスクを持っていたら、ラボであったインド人に「お、IODATA だね」と言われてちょっと嬉しかったり。さすが IT オタクの多い IT コンピュータ 学科だけあります。
出典: クリーニングに出される USB メモリは年間 4500 個
4,500 USB Sticks were dry-cleaned in the UK
I have no idea who could count this number...though it's a classic trick to send your clothes to dry-cleaners to leave something else in your pockets which should not be there.
In 2009, 4,500 USB Sticks were dry-cleaned in the UK. The numbers were dropped by half compared to 2008. Well, I can easily guess that the same thing is happening in Japan.
The article says the reason of the reduction is that more people are using other devices with large memory, such as iPod, net book, smart phone instead of USB Sticks.
In my postgrduate days, I always had to carry a portable harddisc to keep all my files of Web, databases, documents, etc, while travelling back and forth between university and home (I had to do a lot of work in a computer room at university). So USB stick didn't work enough for me.
It traveled so much that it has a bad connection now.
I didn't know that "USB memory (in Japanese)" is called "USB thumb drive" or "USB Sticks".
Far apart from now, during taking a digital media course 8 years ago, my course mates called a portable hard disc as "LaCie". I guess LaCie was dominant in that industry in the UK. Their stylish products were very popular among design-conscious creators.
An Indian student spotted my IODATA hard disk and made me proud of mine a bit. There were too many computer geeks in the computing department.
Uniqlo in London
Telegraph Fashion picked up Uniqlo, Japanese fashion retailer this week.
It says Uniqlo is tough to beat for existing fast-fashion competitors, such as Gap, Marks & Spencer, H&M. I didn't know the name, "Uniqlo" was a fusion of the words “unique” and “clothing”.
Uniqlo is leading in the vast scale of its tops and denim ranges, cut and colour-wise. It makes the face of H&M pale. As Uniqlo experienced hardships at their first UK launch in 2001, I’m so proud of the prodigious reputation for their second challenge.
Samantha Cameron, wife of the Conservative Party leader David Cameron was snapped in a grey Uniqlo sweater during the Conservative Party Conference last October, and rapper Dizzee Rascal is a fan. More and more celebrities are getting fan for Uniqlo.
During my stay in London, Pound was really strong against Yen and most of Uniqlo products costed more than in Tokyo. I hardly bought any products but just was looking around at their shop in Regent Street. I bought only mini-towels (I could not find them somewhere else in London) and gray boot-cut trousers for a job interview (it was really difficult to find the reseller with cloth alternation service except custom-made. It was just the time for their cashmere cardigan campaign.
People really like picking up a wide range of simple and small goods like in Muji.
I still remember Uniqlo's exciting debut in Paris last November. Uniqlo is planning to launch a new shop in Moscow this March. We cannot miss how Uniqlo will step out to shake up fashion retailers around the world.
## I didn't know Samantha Cameron was the co-owner of an interior shop in Notting Hill and the creative director of Smythson. She is one of the coolest business women and fashion icons!?
Brit Awards 2010 が 2/16(火)に開催されます。
Brit Awards は、日本でいうところのレコード大賞、アメリカでいうところのグラミー賞にあたります。
この中で「過去 30 年間における最優秀アルバム」の一般投票が 1/19(火)から開始されました。これは BBC2 が選んだ 10 枚のアルバムの中から、一般の視聴者の投票で受賞アルバムを決めるというもの。
ノミネートアルバム 10 枚は以下の通り。
Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head
Dido - No Angel
Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms
Duffy - Rockferry
Keane - Hopes & Fears
Oasis - (What's the Story) Morning Glory?
Phil Collins - No Jacket Required
Sade - Diamond Life
The Verve - Urban Hymns
Travis - The Man Who
The Brit Awards 2010 の投票サイトでユーザ登録をすれば、イギリス以外の国からでも、投票ができます。国の選択肢にイギリスとアメリカしかないけれど。
その他の賞にノミネートされているアーティストを見ると、Dove も入っているんですね。いつの間にかこんなに有名になるなんて。昨年とはだいぶ顔ぶれが違う印象が。
コールドプレイか Dido か迷って Dido に入れてしまいました。ごめんね、コールドプレイ…。
投票は 1/28 まで。
Voting for the best album of the Brit Awards 2010
It’s a time for a big ceremony in the UK.
Yes, it’s the Brit Awards 2010 (16th February).
This award is equivalent to the Japan Record Grand Prix or the Grammy Award.
Their official site has started voting for final selection of “BRITs Album of 30 Years” from 19th January. They decide a winner by public voting among 10 albums which were selected by BBC2.
Here are 10 nominees.
Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head
Dido - No Angel
Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms
Duffy - Rockferry
Keane - Hopes & Fears
Oasis - (What's the Story) Morning Glory?
Phil Collins - No Jacket Required
Sade - Diamond Life
The Verve - Urban Hymns
Travis - The Man Who
You can join the voting from their official page after registration. Of course, you can join from outside of the UK. But the registration form has only Britain and U.S as country selection.
Among this year’s nominees, we can find many new faces. I spotted DOVE. I never imagined they would become such a famous group !
I was torn between Coldplay and Dido…finally I casted my vote for Dido. Sorry, Coldplay…
The vote will end on 28th January.
All articles are written about the UK (some are not), please enjoy my blog about UK current affairs, art, culture, and so on.