3D TV 市場は発売前から死んでいる 10 の理由
私も家であんな眼鏡をかけて TV を観る気にはとてもなれません。
このところ 3D 作品を映画館で上映していますが、私の知人からも不評な点を度々耳にします。
「眼鏡をかけている人用の 3D 眼鏡は見にくいから嫌だ」
「小さくて眼鏡がうっとおしい子どもは 3D を観ていられない」
さて、3D はどこまで話題をひっぱれるかな。
The Reason Why 3D TV Is Not Cool Any More
Even under the tough economy situation, electronics industry is getting so excited to announce their new 3D technology. I wrote about 3D TV in the UK and US in the previous articles. I found a very realistic comment by the Business Insider.
I would never, never, never like to wear such a glasses to watch 3D TV at home.
Though 3D movies are popular in Japanese cinemas these days, some of my friends told me about their complaints.
"3D glasses for the people with their own glasses are not comfortable to wear!"
"Small kids are not quiet enough to keep wearing glasses while watching 3D movies. "
Well, let's see what will happen with 3D device.
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