

2 月 21 日、イギリスのアカデミー賞にあたる、BAFTA(British Academy Of Film And Television Arts)の授賞式が開催されました。

主演女優賞を得たのは、「17 歳の肖像」で主演したキャリー・マリガン。かつてご紹介したニック・ホーンヴィが脚本を書いた作品です。


主演男優賞は、デザイナーのトム・フォードが監督した「ア・シングルマン」(日本では 10 月公開予定)のダンディなコリン・ファース。息の長い人気イギリス人俳優が、今回 BAFTA で初めて受賞とはちょっと驚きです。

二人とも、来週発表になるアカデミー賞にもノミネートされていて、結果が気になるところ。「17 歳の肖像」は作品賞でもノミネートされていて、4 月の日本での公開が今から楽しみです。

もう一つ話題になったことといえば、イラクにおける米軍の爆発物処理班を描いた「ハート・ロッカー」と、話題の 3D 映画「アバター」の一騎打ち。

ジェームズ・キャメロンの「アバター」が様々な部門にノミネートされるも、美術賞と特殊視覚効果賞といったあまり主要でない 2 部門の受賞にとどまったのに対し、キャスリン・ビグローの「ハート・ロッカー」は、作品賞・監督賞・脚本賞・撮影賞・編集賞・音響賞と主要 6 部門を堂々の受賞。どこかイギリスらしい

「ハート・ロッカー」のキャスリン・ビグローは、BAFTA で女性として初めて監督賞を受賞。彼女はジェームズ・キャメロンの前妻なんですね。観客席からキャメロンが彼女の女性に拍手を送る 1 コマも。

アカデミー賞の前哨戦とも言われる BAFTA


ところで先週、仕事でプレスリリースの Web ページを作っていていたら、「〜が今年のアカデミー賞を受賞」という原稿がやってきました。「授賞式はまだ来週なのに、なぜもう受賞したことに?」と疑問に思っていたら、アカデミー賞の中には「ノミネート=受賞」という部門があるのだと、この業界に詳しい同僚が教えてくれました。ちなみにそれは科学工学賞など。

アカデミー賞授賞式は 3 月 7 日(日本時間で翌 7 日)


BAFTA 2010, Carey Mulligan and Colin Firth Won The Prize

This year's BAFTA(British Academy Of Film And Television Arts)was held at the Royal Opera House on 22 February. BAFTA is equal to the Oscar.

Carey Mulligan won the best actress award for her performance in "An Education". The script of the film was written by Nick Hornby whose book I introduced before.

I didn't remember she was starring in "Pride & Prejudice" as Kitty, the fourth daughter. I want to watch the film with beautiful scenery again now.

The best actor award went to dandy Colin Firth for "A Single Man" (on screen this October in Japan) directed by a fashion designer, Tom Ford. I could not believe this was his first BAFTA during his long career in the industry.

Both of them are also nominated for the Oscar. I cannot wait a good news. "An Education" is on the list of the Academy nominees in the best film category. I really look forward the release of the film this April in Japan.

Another top feature was the battle between American films, "the Hurt Locker" a drama about a US bomb disposal unit in Iraq, and "Avatar", the 3D fantasy which is a blockbuster film around the world.

While "Avatar" was nominated in many categories and could ultimately won only 2 minor awards (production design and special visual effects), "the Hurt Locker" won main 6 prizes, best film, best director, original screen play, cinematography, editing and sound. The British made their own selection.

Kathryn Bigelow, the director for "The Hurt Locker" becomes the first woman in BAFTA history to take the best director award. She is the former wife of James Cameron, who cheered her on from the audience.

BAFTA is said a prelude to the Academy Awards. We cannot judge a film only by prize, but it makes me more excited to see how the British can be successful at the Academy Awards this year.

Regarding another category, Shigeru Miyamoto, a game creator of Super Mario Brothers, received the Fellowship at this year's GAME British Academy Video Games Awards.

By the way, I had to create a Web page for a press release last week. The draft which I received said "xxxx is this year's winner at the Academy Award...". I wonder why they already knew the winner. My colleague who know the industry well, told me that in some categories nominees automatically turned into a winner. This is an example... scientific and engineering award.

The Academy Awards will be held on 7 March in the US.


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