私も大学院を受ける際には、3 月までに申込み書類や志願理由、作品集、成績証明書や推薦状、英語テストの結果やらと諸々揃えるので、この時期は大変でした。大学のコースによっては、コースが始まる 9 月、10 月の直前まで受け付けているところもありますが、人気コースはやはり早めに申し込むのが一番です。
昨今の急激な不景気を受けて、イギリスでは大学志望者が急激に増加。外国からの留学の申込みは29%、イギリス国内の 21 ~ 24 歳の申込みは 45%、25 歳以上に至っては 63% も増えているそうです。
昨年は「知り合いで Digital 関連のコースを受けたい人がいたら、ぜひこのコースを紹介してほしい」と、私の元へも初めて母校から一斉メールの案内が来ていたくらいでした。
イギリスは早くも景気の二番底を体験しているようです。毎年 1 月は、クリスマス後のセールの効果で売上を見込めるはずが、先月 1 月の VAT 増税のあおりもあって、散々な数字に終わってしまったようです。ちなみに VAT は、日本の消費税と同じ付加価値税です。
VAT が 15% から 17.5% に上がっていたとは…ちょっとショック。
出典:Telegraph.co.uk University admissions: students being 'abandoned'
Battle To Become A University Student
February... it's a time to apply for universities in the UK.
When I applied for my post-graduate course, I had to prepare application forms, essay, portfolios, transcript, reference, English score and etc. etc... Some courses still receive applications just before the start of a course. But I recommend applying earlier especially for very demanded and poplar courses.
UK seems encountering 'double-dip' recession now. January is one of the best sales months through the year for sales after Christmas almost every year. It didn't happen this year due to the effect of the global recession and VAT increase in January 2010.
February... it's a time to apply for universities in the UK.
When I applied for my post-graduate course, I had to prepare application forms, essay, portfolios, transcript, reference, English score and etc. etc... Some courses still receive applications just before the start of a course. But I recommend applying earlier especially for very demanded and poplar courses.
But we can see some changes in the application for universities in the UK now.
University applicants drastically increase in number this year in the UK due to the economic recession. "Ucas said applications from foreign students were up almost 29 per cent. Demand from students aged 21 to 24 increased by 45 per cent, while interest among over-25s soared by 63 per cent."
In the last decade, many universities were keen on collecting foreign students as they will bring more money than local students by paying higher tuition fee without government's subsidy. More over, the UK government encouraged more local teenagers advance to further study and media reported on it.
I received the first email from my university last year since I left. It said "if you know anyone interested to take a digital media course, please recommend our course..."
Now many mature students are applying for a course since they lost their job by the severe recession and students who were rejected last year are reapplying as well. I supposed all universities gave shriek of joy for the increase in the number of applicants, but the reality was not. As the government had cut funding for education, universities could not keep enough resources to maintain courses and had to close some of the courses.
UK seems encountering 'double-dip' recession now. January is one of the best sales months through the year for sales after Christmas almost every year. It didn't happen this year due to the effect of the global recession and VAT increase in January 2010.
It was shocking news to me that VAT increased from 15% to 175.% !
Full story from; Telegraph.co.uk University admissions: students being 'abandoned'
Dear じゅんちゃん
返信削除久しぶり! よくここまでたどり着いたねえ。もちろん忘れる訳がない(笑)