
UK で男性が好む下着の色は?

バレンタイン・デーを前に Telegraph.co.uk に掲載された記事「アンケート調査によると、男性が最も好む下着の色は黒」。


それが最新の調査によると逆転し、男性が相手の下着の色として最も嫌いな色として、半数以上が赤と回答。それに続いて不人気なのはピンク系(18%)、ベージュ系(11%)。逆に最も人気なのが黒で、2 番目に人気なのは白だと判明。

同じ調査によると、イギリスの 3 分の 2 の女性は、まだ赤が一番男性が好むセクシーな色だと思っているので、相互でギャップが生まれているようです。この記事を読んで、バレンタイン・デーの下着の色を変えた女性がどれだけいたのしょう…。

この結果、イギリスならではでしょうか。少し前にとある日本の女性誌で見かけた調査結果では、日本で男性が相手の下着の色として不人気ナンバー 1 だったのは黒、それに続いて赤系、パープル系とあった記憶が。


ところで、この調査を実施した「Dr Beckmann」、記事にあった「laundrycare expert」という肩書きを「lingerie expert」と読み間違え、下着学の研究者でもいるのかと思って調べてみたら
Dr Beckmann という衣類・家庭用洗剤を販売している企業でした。確かに、この会社の染み抜きはスーパーにもありました。



Which Colour Of Lingerie Do Men Prefer?

Just before Valentine's Day, Telegraph showed the result of new survey "Survey suggests men prefer black lingerie."

Once red, racy lingerie was a popular gift for Valentine's Day from man in the UK (in Japan. only woman gives a present to man with a confess of love on the day... in most of the case).

New lingerie survey exposes the totally different result. More than half of British men say red is the least favorite colour for their partner's lingerie. Pink (18%) and flesh-tones (11%) are following after this. Most favorite colour is black, closely followed by white.

The survey also shows almost two-thirds women think their men prefer to see them in red lingerie. Well, how many women changed the colour of their bra and knickers on Valentine's Day after reading the article?

This seems a typical result of British men. The article in a Japanese women's magazine showed a similar survey which I read a couple of months ago. It said black was the least favorite colour of girlfriend's lingerie for Japanese men. As far as I remember, red and purple followed after that.

Are there any cultural difference in favorite colours in the light of anthropology? I look forward to their further study on this issue.

By the way, I mistook the description of the body of this survey "Dr Beckmann" as lingerie expert instead of laundrycare expert. When I searched the name, what I found was totally different from my expectation... it was a company handling cleaner for laundry or household. Yes, I saw their stain removers in Tesco or Sainsbury's.

Going back to several years ago, there was a gossip that red lingerie was a lucky item for women, especially when they had a exam. Some newspapers said "all women are rushing into a shop for red lingerie, it is difficult to find red one on the street." But I remember I could easily find it even around Oxford Street. It was really Japanese-like gimmick by retailers.

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