
新年の抱負 !? - Julie & Julia -





プラダを着た悪魔」の辣腕編集長を思い出すと、ユニークなパリのアメリカ人を演じるメリル・ストリープの豹変した演技もこの映画を支えています。彼女の大柄さを改めて認識。 祝、今年のゴールデン・グローブ賞のコメディー・ミュージカル部門主演女優賞!





New year's resolution --- Julie & Julia

My colleague took me to cinema for “Julie & Julia.

Usually I don’t feel like going for Hollywood-comedy films, but it was worth doing. Many media wrote about the film at the release of last December. It is a well-made movie filled with good sense of humour.

The film was based on the 2 true stories. 2 women challenged cooking French cuisine and publishing about it (in book or blog…different format) to gain their new world in different times.

Both of them had to struggle or came over many difficulties with their partners… we can see this kind of story in so many movies. What I like in it is both girls found life, love and many things from cooking.

If you have seen Meryl Streep’s “able” editor in “
The Devil Wears Prada”, you cannot imagine this is the same actress. I have to agree how great she is…and how tall she is after seeing this film. Meryl was honored with a “Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Comedy Or Musical” with this film.

As Julie, Amy Adams was so cute.

After seeing this movie, I learned that I have to carry on my blog as long as I have readers, even if I have a hard time or a bumpier road. That’s only what I can do.

## Julie was a pioneer to have started her blog in 2002 !

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