

50 年ぶりの大雪に見舞われたイギリス。やっと雪は止んだものの、寒波が続く中でその次に問題となるのが凍った路地。


タイトルが直訳で申し訳ないのですが、Telegraph.co.uk に以下の記事が掲載されています。







Don't clear icy pavements

The UK suffered the heaviest snow for the last 50 years. It has stopped snowing, but now there is another alert for icy pavements.

Believe or not, it is lead to a legal action if you clear a public pavements in front of your residence.

You can read more details in the article of Telegraph.co.uk below.

Some people said "It would be much safer for the public to clear paths, even if it’s not on their property.", other people said "If you leave the path in a treacherous condition, you cannot be sued."

For example, a foot passenger may knock on your door and start shouting "As the pavement in front of your house was clear, I walked down as usual. But your next door did not clear the pavement and I was unlucky enough to have slipped and got injured. How can you compensate me for the damage !?" Then you will go to court and lose all of your luck.

The British likes complaining about everything. You can imagine how they will behave...
Experts advise not cleaning snow and ice beyond the boundaries of the property.

"The UK Government are waiting for supplies from the US and Europe. Japan may have a business chance in it.

Forcasters are predicting the freezing weather will continue until this Wednesday. A friend of mine run out of food and gas, it is under the freezing point even in the house.

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