
インドや中国よりもポーランド ~欧米の IT 企業が求めるもの~


そんな記事が TechCrunch Europe に掲載された。

どうもポーランドは、IT 開発のアウトソーシング先として徐々に人気を博しているらしい。

アメリカの IT 企業のトップはニューヨークにいながら、ポーランドにいる開発者とメールや Skype を使ってやりとりをし、プロジェクトを進めている。


  • IT のアウトソーシング先としてよく使われるインドに比べて、最新知識を持った質の高いプログラマーを手頃なコストで確保しやすい。

  • (TV制作会社など)アメリカの文化に理解のあるプログラマーが必要。

  • ロシア、中国に続いて、世界のトップコーダーの上位 5 位内に入りながら、唯一ラテンアルファベットを使用する国。

皆、よほどこのネタがツボにはまったのか、続々とコメントが舞い込み、コメント欄だけで本文の 7、8 倍以上の長さになってしまった。





ある日、私が依頼内容をメールで送ると、「8 月○日の終業時間までに完了します」という、自動返信メールのような機械的な返信がすぐに飛んできた。










Is Poland Better than India or China?

English-speaking Polish advanced into the USA...without moving out of their country.

The article appeared in TechCrunch Europe.

It seems Poland is becoming another main outsourcee for IT development.

The manager of the US company in communicates with programmers in Poland by using email and Skype to discuss their project.

Cross-border collaboration is nothing new, but the company in the article hired programmers as their employee.
The article also put forward the advantages to work with Polish programmers.
  • A much better access to quality programmers fluent in modern frameworks and their competitive rates, comparable to what is offered by regular outsource companies in India.
  • (Especially western TV productions) a company really needs developers who understand the American culture.
  • The only country in top five that uses the Latin alphabet, is just behind Russia and China.
I read this article at lunchtime the day after being published, and couldn't help but read all interesting posts made by the readers.

Despite the article appeared on the Web on Sunday, many people were attracted and left a post after another with their deep interest. Eventually the page was filled with the long comments, nearly the septuple or octuple of the original article.

It was funny to imagine the readers spend whole Sunday to type endless comments and discuss such a topic. Readers often send their views or comments on articles in the USA and Europe. Though, we cannot see such a long list of comments so often.

It contained discussion both for and against, reader's experience (which country is the best to work with, etc.), cultural differences, risk management in the case of development disorder, history of the Communism era, foundation of Poland, and so on…

One says "In my experience, North America, Estonia and Austria were the best to work with", another guy said "Why this author put down India?" by objection..the fierce debate sparked on the Web.

In my personal experience, it was not a great deal to work with India.

One day, as soon as I sent a request by email to the vendor in India, they emailed me in really automatic style, "We will execute your request and get back to you by Friday xx August EOD (IST) ." It was just like an auto-message.

However…..since then I haven't heard anything at all.
As it was still within my expectations and I was not in hurry with it, I left it for another couple of weeks.

After long silence, I emailed again to India.
What they replied was "We had sent across OO last Friday, xx/xx itself. You might not have received it due to heavy email volume on your outlook..." and forwarded the email which they claimed. Though I checked my email box, I could never find the one.

My colleague said to me "None of the US office didn't receive their reply, me neither. Everyone has troubles with the vendor in India recently."

Well, when Indian breaks a dish, what they say is "The dish was broken by itself." We need to expect philosophical discussion when we have to do something with them.

Now back to the article…
After reading through all comments, there can see 2 main points, cultural differences and communications. Despite the evolution of the latest technology and the diversity of communication tools, we still need to understand each other more by communication. It makes everything work perfect and everyone happy.

The USA and European countries often get in trouble while collaborating with India or China (possibly other Asian countries, too). I assume it is caused more by cultural differences and miscommunication rather than by the quality of their skills and technology.

Though we still couldn't find the best practice, it spurs us to challenge new ways.


ホフェッシュ・シェクター 「ポリティカル・マザー」




6 月末に初来日した ホフェッシュ・シェクターは明らかに、それらとは異なるタイプの作品。


舞台奥には、2 層のプラットフォームが組まれている。




フィジカルシアターで UK を代表すべきカンパニー、DV8 に引けを取らない、大胆で過激で新風を巻き起こす舞台だ。




そう 私は人生を両側から見た
上からも下からも そしてなぜかいまだに



同演目は、ちょうど先週の 14 日から 17 日にロンドンで上演された。


Hofesh Shechter -- Political Mother

This is tear-splashing dynamite!

Many remarkable choreographer, such as Rosas in Belgium, William Forsythe, Pina Bausch in Germany, Maurice Bejart in France and Switzerland…the last two have already passed away….can be found in Europe. It shows the Continent side has been the mainstream in European dance scene rather than British Islands.

Last 10 years, a new stream has made by budding choreographers, such as Matthew Borne, Akram Khan, Russell Maliphant.

The stage started with the scene of an armoured man killing himself.

There was a two-story platform on the rear stage.
A man stood on the top story and looked sometimes a dictator, a rock musician, or a politician. He commanded the dancers who represented the people on the street and were forced to run around and dance. Their movement was created by heady physical language which was totally different from the sophisticated one for classical ballet and modern dance. This towering platform was a metaphor expressing a hierarchy and the relationship between a top and bottom.

Earsplitting guitar and drum shook the bottom of audience's heart so lascivious. There was no wonder that we could find a note of caution saying "Attention, To audience who has heart trouble and all children..."

Sometimes, dancers nearly lost their control to be convulsed, shake themselves and jump with tearing at their heart. That looked as if their hidden power were released as a shock wave from the body by the timed explosion inside of them.

The dancers could just dance, run around and jump...as if we have to live somehow throughout unexpected destabilizing daily life.

This is exactly what physical theatre is!!
They compare favorably with DV8, one of the most leading and exciting physical theatre companies in the UK. They are so bold and radical that their performance brings new perspective to dance scene.

We can imagine so many things from the metaphor told by their physical language.

High impact to body and soul reflected...exodus from intolerant society, mentally and physically collapse due to excessive control, exploding contradiction caused between technology and human being....

Just before a curtain call, Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now" was played (it was also played in "Love Actually"). All scenes and movement were replayed like a super-fast rewind of video to Joni's heartwarming tune and finally ended with the first scene. They prepared such a pukka ending!!

I've looked at life from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's life's illusion I recall
I really don't know life at all

Her beautiful lyrics, melody and voice were blended to surround the stage and audience like a warm hug. It amazingly merged into all harsh expression by dancers and left no dry tone or no pain, just peaceful moment in the predawn darkness.

It was a pity that all of seats were not occupied even at Saturday matinee, as other big-name companies like Matthew Borne's "Swan Lake"and the Royal Ballet were on at Tokyo during the same period and the company was still not known well in Japan.

However, I'm sure that the company grabbed the hearts of all audience in the theatre.

"Political Mother" was performed at the Sadler's Wells in London from 14 to 17 July last week. I'm looking forward to their next visit to Tokyo.




前回のジェイミー・ヘイウッドに引き続き、TED での翻訳第 2 弾はトム・ウージェック。彼はデザインとテクノロジーによって最先端の分野を切り開いてきたパイオニア。

現在は米オートデスク社のフェローで、最近 iPad 版も話題になっている SketchBook Pro、映画やゲームなどの CG アニメーションになくてはならない Maya といった製品に携わってきた。


彼はスピーチの中で、2 千年以上前に発明され、ヨーロッパやイスラム圏で利用されてきたアストロラーベを例を紹介した。アストロラーベは、現代の iPhone のように、最新のテクノロジーを搭載した道具だった。



進歩とは 変化を意味することばでしかありません。







とても効率のよい方法でレビューを進めてくださった Satoshi さん、ありがとうございました。


Tom Wujec demos the 13th-century astrolabe

Following my first translation of Jamie Heywood, I worked on Tom Wujec as my second TED work. He is a remarkable pioneer in the fusion of design and technology.

He is currently a fellow at Autodesk, American software company. He has worked on some innovative software, such as SketchBook Pro (its iPad-version is drawing huge attention recently) and Maya (must-software for all CG animators).

At first, I spotted his stimulating presentation about "marshmallow problem" on the TED's Web site. However its translation was already in progress. Then I chose this speech.

He showed an astrolabe which was invented more than 2,000 years ago and has been used in Europe and the Islamic world. It has been a top gadget of the time featuring the latest technology like iPhone.

He used a simple example... how to tell the time by a tool and explained how we have embraced technology and how it has effected a change in our lives.

As technology progresses,
and as it advances,
many of us assume that these advances
make us more intelligent,
make us smarter and more connected to the world.

And what I'd like to argue
is that that's not necessarily the case,
as progress is simply a word for change,
and with change you gain something,
but you also lose something.

There is no doubt that technology brings us a new experience and makes us excited. However we always lose something instead of it. I can really get his point.

Once we invented typography, it allowed us to save existing knowledge as books. But it was not only that. Rich oral culture has died which was passed down by word of our ancestors' mouth.

Now technology is taking the role of our brain to save our memory and knowledge. What are we losing?

As new technology is introduced in the world, we need to do something new which was not required before. As we become lazier and expect efficiency in daily life, I feel like we have less chance to use body but and brain, too. I am downright scared that someday we may not be able to control ourselves.

Astrolabe is a good example of synergetic effect between technology and people. By using the tool of technology, it made us more intelligent and connected us to many aspects in the world.

I just have to say thank you to Satoshi who reviewed my translation in very clever way.



レゴで再現 2010 年 ワールドカップ イングランド戦


そんなイギリスで、前回の総選挙の時と同様に、2010 年のワールドカップをレゴで再現した、その名も「Brick-by-brick fussball」を公開中。


今日はついに因縁の対決だったドイツ戦の模様も掲載。 あの疑惑のゴールシュートのシーンも再現。

観客席を埋め尽くすサポーターや、頭の上にヘアキャップがない背番号 10 番はルーニー…というこだわりよう。

ボーナス版として、1966 年大会優勝時の動画もある。ちょっと色味が暗すぎるけど、いまだにイングランド人が語り継ぐ名試合を白黒画面で再現。

もっと見たい人は Lego Fussball のサイトに行くと過去のヨーロッパチームのゲームも見ることができる(ドイツ語)。先々週の日本 vs オランダ戦の再現動画も。


優勝リーグからは離脱してしまったけど、この Lego Fussball で気持ちを励まそう。



Lego figures of World Cup 2010 "Brick-by-brick fussball"

England's grief is still raw after their team suffered the humiliating defeat last Sunday.

Once I wrote about the Lego figures of the UK General Election. There are also the movies in which Lego figures reproduce the matches in the World Cup 2010, so-called "Brick-by-brick fussball."

The movies show the best scenes in England's games against USA, Algeria and Slovenia. It's so fabulous and pretty!!

Today the site uploaded the last face-off between England and Germany billed as a clash of fate. It caputures the moment of the controversial goal kick by England.

The stands are filled with colourful supporters and a figure without a hair cap has the number 10 on his back...it's Wayne Mark Rooney!

There is a bonus movie of the England's victory in the World Cup 1966. Though the movie uses a bit too dark contrast in black and white, it's the best reproduction of the legendary game for England.

You can find more matches by European team at Lego Fussball (in Germany). Here is the reproduction of Japan vs Netherland game the week before.

Personally...I have a special feeling with Lego, since I played with it in my childhood and made a presentation on the comparative culture of Lego and Diablock (Japanese block toy) at university.

Even after England has already left the field, Lego Fossball still gives me a fun.



Twitter で進めるロンドン流 World Cup ブランディング



ブランドエージェンシーの The Brand Union が考案したのは、その名も「Footwall」。キャンペーン用の Twitter(@thefootwall)を設け、そのタイムラインをロンドンのファリントンにある会社の建物に映し出しているのだ。

イングランドチームの応援を兼ねて、自社のブランディングまでしてしまった例。また、The Brand Union は 2018 年ワールドカップのロンドン開催をサポートしているので、この取り組みはそのプロモーションにもなる。

この会社のあるファリントンといえば、ロンドンでもメディアやクリエイティブ業界の企業が多い地域。11-33 St John Street と言えば、私が通っていた大学の目と鼻の先!

The Brand Union の企業サイトでは、建物の様子をライブ中継している。

とはいえ、この Footwall、問題は夜にならないと建物に投射できないこと。イギリス時間ではほとんどの試合がお昼休みの時間帯に当たるので、一番盛り上がる試合時間には活用できないのが残念。

イギリスでは昼休みに職場のインターネットで観戦をする人が多く、その時間帯に急激にネットのアクセスが集中しているという統計も出され、社内 IT 担当者を冷や冷やさせている。


【後日談】@thefootwall さんからTwitterでメッセージをいただきました。しかも日本語でも! (2010 年 6 月 26 日)



London’s World Cup Branding By Twitter

Finally England started holding a morale-boosting rally following the first win in the game against Algeria of the 2010 FIFA World Cup yesterday.

A campaign by a London's media company will encourage England team and supporters for the next game.

The Brand Union, a brand agency, launched the campaign called "Footwall." They created a Twitter account (@thefootwall) and has projected messages in its timeline on their building at Farringdon, central London.

While cheering up England team, they improved their self-branding, too. They have also improved their reputation. The Brand Union is also a partner in England’s bid to stage the 2018 World Cup, so it’s a fitting campaign.

The area around Farringdon is a famous place where many media and creative agencies are competing. 11-33 St John Street is just around the corner of my old university!!

The front of the building is broadcast live on their Web site.

One of the problems is...due to the nature of using a projector, the wall is only available after night fall. It is not available while games are taking place from lunchtime onwards in most cases. It's a bit of a shame.

So many office workers watch streamed games at lunchtime by using office's Internet. A research shows that It can easily end up to make networks down and give a headache to enterprise IT managers.

Well, can I see my tweet on the Wall?

@thefootwall sent me a message by Twitter. What a brilliant tweet in Japanese! (26-June-2010)






ワールドカップの影響を受けて、ヨーロッパでは昨秋あたりからブブゼラが大人気。イギリスでも、Amazon やスーパーマーケットなどで毎日飛ぶように売れている。


数値で表してみると、ブブゼラの音は 127 デシベル。
これが競技場内では 144 デシベルにもなり、太鼓の 122 デシベル、審判の笛の 121.8 よりもずっと大きく、なんと花火や飛行機の離陸音、ロックコンサートの音量より大きいことを示している。

イギリスの国営放送 BBC には、6 月 10 日の開会以来、ブブゼラの音についての苦情が 220 件も寄せられた(6 月 14 日時点)。イングランドでは、自宅のテレビで試合観戦している人の 10 人に 6 人が音声のボリュームを下げているのだそうだ。BBC は急遽ブブゼラの音が入らないようにした中継方法も検討中。







南アフリカの競技場の外では、ブブゼラの音が聞こえない耳栓を売り出したり、イギリスでは、テレビでの観戦時に背景にかけるとブブゼラの音を消す効果のある MP3 ファイルをネット上で販売したりと、付随ビジネスも現れている。



きっと自分が応援しているチームが優勢に立っている時には、ブブゼラの音も気にならないのだろう。あなたはブブゼラに賛成? 反対?



World Cup in South Africa: UK’s Vuvuzela Feaver

The stadiums are filled with drone of vuvuzela at the World Cup 2010.

The video above shows how to play a vuvuzela like a professional player.

Millions of Vuvuzelas have been sold in Europe from last autumn due to The World Cup effect. Since Vuvuzela feaver arrived in the UK, vuvuzelas have flown off the racks of Amazon and sumermarkets.

However, vuvuzela has sparked global debate over loud drone due. Many football players, referees, and supporters have complained about it.

According to the survey, the sound emitted by a vuvuzelas was the equivalent to 127 decibels. It can generate a drone of up to 144 decibels inside stadiums, which is lauder than a drum's 122 decibels, or a referee's whistle...even fireworks, a plane taking off or a rock concert.

The BBC has received 220 complaints (as of June 14) after the kick-off on June 10. 

In England, six out of ten fans who watch games at home are now turning down to cut out the horn-blowing. The BBC investigates the possibility of transmitting an alternative "vuvuzela free" version of its World Cup coverage.

Football player
"It is impossible to communicate, it's like being deaf."

"The vuvuzela noise was stopping fans from generating chants around the ground."

Football League spokesman
"They will end up in our grounds because people will bring them back from the World Cup. It is a matter for individual clubs, as is the case with drums and other musical instruments."

Father of a boy in the UK
"I could be making a terrible mistake but I think I'm going to have to make a rule that they can only blow them during the actual games. But the kids wanted them and I can't resist it when they get excited about something like the World Cup."

British pensioner
One old lady rang her cable provider to complain about the 'loud buzzing' coming from her television.
Another pensioner called pest control in over the weekend amid fears her house was being attacked by a swarm of bees.

Some people found out a business chance from the complaints.

Some started selling vuvuzela ear plugs outside a stadium, and the other £2.45 MP3 file of active noise cancellation to eliminate the horns from broadcasts.

In South Africa, lunatic supporters keep blowing the horns not only during the games, but from the arrival at the airport to walking down the street 24-hour a day. It sounds bored to death.

Though we said "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", the fierce debate over vuvuzela has spread all over the world. Will it spread out to the end of the world after the World Cup?

I assume while your supporting team is leading a game, you will not mind the buzz of the horn. Are you against and for vuvuzela?



ついに登場、2012 年 London オリンピックのマスコット

ついに発表された、2012 年ロンドン オリンピック、パラリンピックのキャラクター。




デジタル時代を意識したメタリックなデザインのキャラクターの頭にはロンドンのタクシーのランプをつけ、カメラのレンズを彷彿させる目玉が 1 つ、オリンピックのシンボルとなっている 5 色の輪をブレスレットとしてつけている。

それぞれの名前はイギリスの地名が由来となっていて、頭のランプの中にあるイニシャルで区別ができる。左側の Wenlockは、近代オリンピックの創始者であるクーベルタンが訪れた Much Wenlock の地名に由来している。クーベルタンは、この地で観たスポーツ大会から着想を得て、現在のオリンピックを始めたのだそうだ。右側のMandevilleは、パラリンピック発祥の町 Stoke Mandeville から名付けられている。そうした歴史を絡める辺りはいかにもイギリス人好み。


スポンサーから提供される放映権料と並び、オリンピックの重要な収入源となるのがキャラクターグッズ。今までと全く変わってしまった、グラフィティーっぽく、大胆なグラフィックデザインのロゴもすでに物議を醸し出しているロンドン オリンピック。このキャラクターの評判はどう出るか。

ロンドン オリンピックでキーワードとも言える「デジタル」の時代らしく、2 つのキャラクターには Facebook と Twitter まで設けられて人気を競っている(今のところ、Wenlock の方がフォロワーが多い)。

Unveiled Mascots for London Olympic

Finally, the next Olympic mascots were unveiled.
Wow...what can you say about this???

Now the official site shows the animation of their very fast story.
In the story, a old man retired from a big steel factory producing materials to build Olympic stadium. He brought droplets of steel to home and created these unique creatures.

With the digital age in mind, metallic-textured mascots have a London taxi light on their heads, a single large eye made out of a camera lens, and bracelets representing Olympic rings on their wrists.

Both names were named after the town in the UK and can be recognized by an initial in the head light. Wenlock (left) was named after Much Wenlock where Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympics. He was inspired by a sports event there and launched the modern Olympic. Mandeville (right) was named after Stoke Mandeville, where the Paralympics were founded.

Among the designs at the early stage, there were anthropomorphic pigeons, an animated tea pot and a Big Ben with arms and legs. I'd like to see them purely out of curiosity. The British like to quote history like this.

In Olympic business, mascots is also a crucial income source following sponsorship revenues. London's olympic logo has already provoked public controversy as it is a bold and innovative graphic design which is totally different from the past ones. Can they become internationally...at least nationally popular mascots?

They were born in the digital age (this is a keyword of London Olympic) and have already started internet social media such as Facebook and Twitter to enjoy their competition on popularity (so far, Wenlock has more followers).



ゴードン・ブラウンとキットカット/ Brown & KitKat

お気に入りの「Top Gear」を鑑賞しながら、イギリス総選挙の最後の 2 座席の行方を気にしていた先週末。前回は、ちょっとまじめにイギリスの総選挙について書いたけど、やはり私が好きなのは小ネタ。


1 日に3、4 個は必ず食べてしまう大のキットカット好きなブラウン。これも内助の功で知られる、妻サラの気遣いによるもの。キットカットの代わりに、1 日バナナを 9 本食べるというダイエット方法。

ハンサムでメディアを巧みに使った前任者のブレアに比べ、無骨で見栄えのしないブラウン。元労働党党首のニール・キノックからは、"Of course Gordon has got a radio face(ゴードンはラジオ向きな顔に決まってるさ)" と三党の TV 討論会の前日に言われてしまう始末。

様々なメディアがこのことについて記事を書いていて、BBC はバナナとキットカットの比較表を掲載。「倫理的な実践」という項目でフェアトレードについて触れているのがイギリスらしい。イギリスとアイルランドではキットカットはフェアトレード商品として認証を受けているものの、ネスレ社は少々物議を醸し出している様子。


バナナにまつわるネタと言えば、The SunThe Telegraph によると、2008 年政変時に TV の前でバナナをふりかざしたミルバントは、その後野望は果たせず。今回の選挙の結果といい、バナナは少々縁起が悪いよう。




Brown & KitKat

I was checking the last 2 seats in the UK election while watching my favorite "Top Gear" last week. My previous blog was written about the General Election seriously…I’m rather interested in silly stories.

For the Election, Gordon Brown started dieting last February to make his image better.

Mr.Brown was addicted to KitKat and had a three-or-four-KitKat-a-day habit. Sarah, who is known as a supportive wife was concerned his health and suggested him to eat 9 bananas a day for diet.

Compared to handsome and media-manipulating Tony Blair, Brown looks dull. Lord Neil Kinnock, ex-Labour's leader said "Of course Gordon has got a radio face" just the day before the first TV debate.

Media wrote various articles about this. BBC told the story with the chart comparing banana and KitKat. It mentions about fair trade in the item "Ethical Credentials". KitKat was certified as fair trade in the UK and Ireland in January 2010. However parent company Nestle still seems to stand in a controversial position.

The article introduced many kinds of flavors of KitKats, apple (Japan). hazelnut (Germany), banana (Canada). Even Japanese unique "Kit-Katsu ("you will win" in Japanese)" for an entrance exam. This article also wrote about it. The British no doubt love nationally well-liked chocolate bars.

There is another story about a banana. According to the Sun and the Telegraph, David Miliband tried to make a good impression with the photo holding a banana during the Labour conference in September 2008, but failed. Bananas seem not going well with politics, the article said.

Brown, chocolate addict, would love Japanese special KitKats. I might deserve a privileged bureaucrat or a member of the House of Lords.

He was defeated in the Election, could he at least succeed in losing weight?