

前回のジェイミー・ヘイウッドに引き続き、TED での翻訳第 2 弾はトム・ウージェック。彼はデザインとテクノロジーによって最先端の分野を切り開いてきたパイオニア。

現在は米オートデスク社のフェローで、最近 iPad 版も話題になっている SketchBook Pro、映画やゲームなどの CG アニメーションになくてはならない Maya といった製品に携わってきた。


彼はスピーチの中で、2 千年以上前に発明され、ヨーロッパやイスラム圏で利用されてきたアストロラーベを例を紹介した。アストロラーベは、現代の iPhone のように、最新のテクノロジーを搭載した道具だった。



進歩とは 変化を意味することばでしかありません。







とても効率のよい方法でレビューを進めてくださった Satoshi さん、ありがとうございました。


Tom Wujec demos the 13th-century astrolabe

Following my first translation of Jamie Heywood, I worked on Tom Wujec as my second TED work. He is a remarkable pioneer in the fusion of design and technology.

He is currently a fellow at Autodesk, American software company. He has worked on some innovative software, such as SketchBook Pro (its iPad-version is drawing huge attention recently) and Maya (must-software for all CG animators).

At first, I spotted his stimulating presentation about "marshmallow problem" on the TED's Web site. However its translation was already in progress. Then I chose this speech.

He showed an astrolabe which was invented more than 2,000 years ago and has been used in Europe and the Islamic world. It has been a top gadget of the time featuring the latest technology like iPhone.

He used a simple example... how to tell the time by a tool and explained how we have embraced technology and how it has effected a change in our lives.

As technology progresses,
and as it advances,
many of us assume that these advances
make us more intelligent,
make us smarter and more connected to the world.

And what I'd like to argue
is that that's not necessarily the case,
as progress is simply a word for change,
and with change you gain something,
but you also lose something.

There is no doubt that technology brings us a new experience and makes us excited. However we always lose something instead of it. I can really get his point.

Once we invented typography, it allowed us to save existing knowledge as books. But it was not only that. Rich oral culture has died which was passed down by word of our ancestors' mouth.

Now technology is taking the role of our brain to save our memory and knowledge. What are we losing?

As new technology is introduced in the world, we need to do something new which was not required before. As we become lazier and expect efficiency in daily life, I feel like we have less chance to use body but and brain, too. I am downright scared that someday we may not be able to control ourselves.

Astrolabe is a good example of synergetic effect between technology and people. By using the tool of technology, it made us more intelligent and connected us to many aspects in the world.

I just have to say thank you to Satoshi who reviewed my translation in very clever way.


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