

2009 年といえば、恒例の世界バレエフェスティバルも開催されたし、嫌というほどバレエやダンスを観に行った年でした。やっぱり一番印象に残っているのがシルヴィ・ギエム

■ ボレロ
一番最初は 2 月のモーリス・ベジャール追悼公演で踊った「ボレロ」。もう封印されてしまっていた彼女の代表作が、偉大な芸術家、振付家であるベジャールの追悼のために蘇ったのでした。

2005 年に日本でボレロの最終公演時にはあっという間にチケットは売り切れ、何度も公演が追加されて、日本で一大ブームになりました。ちょうどイギリスに留学中だった私の乏しい懐と遠く離れた地では、チケットを取ることも帰国することもままならず、かなり失望したものです。

A プロ、B プロ両方行って 2 回も観てしまいました。

しかも大晦日に NHK で放送されたのだから、もう 2009 年の締めくくりもギエムというより他ない。

■ クリティカル・マス、アパルトマン、TWO
8 月の世界バレエフェスティバルで観た 3 作品。


■ 聖なる怪物たち(Sacred Monsters)

このオドロオドロしい名前の演目は、2006 年にロンドンで初演されながら、なかなか日本では演じられなかった作品。日本は古典以外はなかなか上演されず、お隣の韓国の方で先に公演があったほど。






2009 starts with Sylvie and end with Sylvie

How many time did I went to the theatre in 2009 !?
Japan had the World Ballet Festival and more famous and more ballet/dance performances in 2009. Of course, I cannot forget Sylvie Guillem's performances.

Her first appearance was "Bolero" by Maurice Bejart in his memorial gala performances. Her representative work came back for the tribute to a great choreographer in our century.

When she performed the last "Bolero" in Japan in 2005, it became the legendary and sensational performance as all tickets were sold out and more stages were added. I could not afford to buy a ticket or go to the theatre as I was a poor student in London.

Then the god gave me the chance to see her "Bolero"!!
I watched twice to go to A and B programs.

More over, her "Bolero" was broadcasted by NHK on New Year's Eve. It was just right for the end of 2009.

Critical Mass/ Apartement / TWO
I watched these 3 programs in the World Ballet Festival. "Critical Mass" and "TWO" were choreographed by Russell Maliphant, and ”Apartement” by Mats Ek.

Maliphant's works reminded me of their first performance and my life in London. Especially "TWO" is so magnificent in many ways...choreography, music, stage light, and Sylvie's thrilling dance.

Sacred Monsters
This dance with an awesome name did not have a chance to visit Japan before 2009. As classic ballet is preferred to contemporary dance, it visited Korea earlier than Japan. Finally we could see this !

Sylvie collaborated with Akram Khan who was one of the most exciting contemporary dancer and choreographer in the UK. His dance featured very intensive and fast movement rooted in Katac, Indian traditional dance.

Two dancers with totally different background snuggled and clashed while trying to stay together, and they are incongruous from the beginning to the end. It's really like what happened to me while staying abroad.

Sylvie was brave enough to devote herself to Akram's style not only in dance but speaking and mime. Their challenging collaboration resulted in a milestone for the new world apart from classic.

I am looking forward to watching "EONNAGATA" some day in Japan !

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