
Top Gear、日本上陸

日頃の不勉強さを反省して、先月から 1 年ぶりに英語のコースを開始。

もちろん、私が選ぶのはイギリス英語なので、集まる人々もイギリス好きが多い。そんなクラスメートから、あの Top Gear の放送が 4 月から BS フジで始まった(金曜日 24:00〜25:00)と聞いて、浮き足立ってしまった。

Top Gear といえば、1977 年から続く、BBC が誇る車マニア向け番組。コテコテ英国人 3 人、ジェレミー、リチャード、ジェイムズが出演し、一時休止はあったものの、アメリカやカナダなど、英国外でも根強い人気を保つ。

日本でロケされたシリーズでは、新幹線と日産 GT−R のどちらが目的地に早く到着するか競ったり、車の試乗コーナーでは、イギリスで観た回には装甲車が登場。辛辣なコメントが飛び交い、突拍子もない企画で出演者が重症を負ったり、亡くなったこともある過激なエンターテイメント番組。

先々週放送されたシリーズ 8 のエピソード 4(本国では 2006 年に放送)には、有名人のタイム比べでユアン・マクレガーが登場。容赦なく、彼がエンストするシーンも放送。

この回はメルセデスの S クラスをジェレミーが試乗し、最新機能を試す中、音声認識機能に「くだらないラジオ局」と言うと、BBC ラジオ 1 がかかってお喜び、といったシニカルな部分はさすがイギリス的ユーモア。

次のコーナーでは、キプロス島でポルシェのカイエンがロードレースコースを走るのに対抗し、イギリス軍兵が同距離の地上 4 km からパラシュートで降下してタイムを競った。このように競い方が半端でない。

この回で圧巻だったのは、冒頭の動画にあるメルセデス S クラスの大改造。メルセデスの皮のシートを酷評するジェレミーが、車内を自分の家のようにしてほしいと、インテリアデザインをフランス人のマリーの依頼する。


そこから始まるのが英仏戦争を呈したぶつかりあい。ジェレミーは、ヘンリー 5 世の率いるイングランド軍がフランス軍を破った「アジンコートの戦い」を引き合いに出すし、マリーは「フライドポテトにお酢をかけて食べるなんて、どうみたって変よ」と反撃。車番組を超えた応戦は、車マニアでない私でも楽しめる。






Now Top Gear Is On-air in Japan

I came back to English school last month as I was too lazy last year. I prefer to study British English, so many UK-manias turn up in a classroom. One of my classmates told me Top Gear started being broadcast on BS Fuji (Friday 24:00-25:00) and it made me so excited.

Top Gear is one of the best motor TV-shows in the UK which started in 1977. 3 real-British guys, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May drive and challenge lunatic car races in every episode. Though the TV program was suspended once, now it got worldwide renown among car manias and  has been broadcast in the US, Canada, and so on.

This program is not only a car show, rather huge entertainment with British sense of humor.  When they did a shooting in Japan, Shinkansen(Japanese bullet train) raced with Nissan GT-R. Even an armored vehicle appeared in a episode which I've seen in the UK. It is sometimes extreme entertainment show in which caustic comments pop-up every minute and some cast suffered severe injury and other was dead from extremely adventurous challenge.

The week before, Ewen McGregor challenged celebrity time race in the episode 4 of series 8 was on-air (UK broadcast in 2006). Of course it showed he stalled without reservation.

In the episode, Jeremy drove Mercedes S class. He tried the latest equipment and shouted "the most lavish radio station"...then he got so satisfied as the car started playing BBC radio 1. You can see a piece of British sense of humor.

In the next corner, Porsche Cayenne  run on the race course in Cyprus to race with a parachuter from the Royal army who dived from 4 km above ground level. It's such a crazy race!

The most tremendous story was the complete revamp of Mercedes S class (see the movie above). He complained about the leather seats and asked Marie, French interior designer to remodel the car like his home.

Contrary to his expectation, Marie designed a trendy vodka bar which was completely against his idea. He had tantrum against her and shouted "Tweed doesn't go with it, I want...I want wing-back chair!!"

The long-history fight recurred between the UK and France.  Jeremy quoted the Battle of Agincourt (Henry V's England army defeated French in 1415). Then Marie insisted "Vinegar on chips are really revolting." These battles are fun enough for a no-car mania like me.

Finally, Jeremy brought a cement mixer. Cement went into the car instead of the floor stripped out and set wooden floor on it. His long cherished items were installed...wing-back chairs, fire stove, small bookshelf and even tea set. They tried the car which didn't run fast enough with heavy cement. The chairs slipped on the freshly-waxed floor, the chimney went off during the run, and brake lump didn't work....any way an electric wiring was under the cement. They had nothing to do with it.

But I can say, most of the British like bigot and enthusiastic guy like him. In a sense, he is a typical British. I like him, too.

The TV program was on-air around Sunday evening when I was in the UK. It evoked some sorrowful mood at the end of weekend, just like "Sazae-san." Actually I didn't watch the program often in the UK. Thanks to subtitles, I could enjoy many cranky words and blue jokes. I need to study English more...


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