
いよいよ5月6日、英 General Election



とはいえ、3 党のどれも圧倒的な人気をとるるわけでもなく、絶対多数政党がない議会(hung parliament)になる可能性も多い。そうした状況の選挙というのはともすれば面白みにかけるのだが、今回はちょっと違う。




現首相のゴードン・ブラウンが選挙活動の遊説中に、ギリアン・ダフィーという 65 歳の年金生活者と会話をすることがあった。彼女は移民や犯罪の問題について質問し、その場は難なく終わったが、彼はここで一世一代の過ちを犯すことにことになる。会話が終わり、車に戻った後も、シャツにピンでつけられたマイクはオフになっていないことに気づかず、「あれはひどかった…彼女はまったくの偏屈女だ」と言ってしまったのだ。

その発言が物議を醸し出し、TV でも延々とこの話題が放送された。ゴードン・ブラウンは BBC のラジオ2で謝罪し、個人的に会いに行って謝らなければならないという異例の事態。


例えば、フィナンシャル タイムズは保守党支持を明言している。他の新聞社、サン、ネーム・オブ・ザ・ワールド、ガーディアン、タイムズ、エコノミストは長らく労働党を支持してきたが、ここに来てそのスタンスを変更しなくてはならなくなったのだ。ほとんどは労働党から保守党支持に転換し、ガーディアンだけが自由民主党に転換した。

このように様々なエピソートを作ってきた今回の General Election も投票間近。


UK General Election on 6th May

Tomorrow is the general election in the UK.
This year is getting more exciting than previous one.

The Labour is now flying low after being in office for last 13 years. The Conservative was on the counterattack against it, however it really didn't work since they were blamed for notorious expenses claims. While two main parties are struggling, it gave a chance to come under the spotlight to the Liberal Democrats which has been far from the limelight.

So far, none of them seems strong enough to take power and it may result in hung parliament. The situation like this is rather boring for observers. But it's a bit different this time.

The First Election Debate
Unlike the US, party leaders didn't have a chance to debate in the public before in the UK. The video above shows how each leader is appealing. 
Gordon Brown(Labour) sometimes frightened the audience by the talking about the reality and show his concrete suggestions. David Cameron(Tories) spend his time to criticize the Labour and appeal more to audience's patriotic spirit. Nick Clegg(Lib-Dems) spoke in more friendly and open style like Obama.

Actually, the poll after the debate showed the Liberal Democrats received the highest public support rate.

Brown's "Bigot" made newspapers turn back 
During the election campaign, Gordon Brown, the prime minister had a conversation with Gillian Duffy, 65 year-old pensioner. She asked him a few questions about immigrant and crime. The conversation was OK...but he made a big mistake. After he got into his car, he said "That was a disaster...She's just a sort of bigoted woman" without realizing the microphone pinned to his shirt was still on.

So it came to one of the top issues which was broadcast every minute. Gordon Brown had to apologize on a BBC Radio 2 and travel to see her in person. She has supported the Labour all the time but now she stopped it.

It stirred a widespread controversy among media. Unlike Japanese media, British newspapers clearly announce a supporting political party. Some newspapers had to change their political allegiances after the Bigot incidence.

For example, Financial Times is backing for the Conservative. Other newspapers, the Sun, the News of the World, the Guardian, the Times, and the Economist have supported the Labour but had to change their allegiances. Most of them switched from the Labour to the Conservative, and only the Guardian from the Labour to the Liberal Democrats.

2 件のコメント:

  1. イギリスの政界、混沌としていますね。


  2. コメントをありがとうございます!


