1 日に3、4 個は必ず食べてしまう大のキットカット好きなブラウン。これも内助の功で知られる、妻サラの気遣いによるもの。キットカットの代わりに、1 日バナナを 9 本食べるというダイエット方法。
ハンサムでメディアを巧みに使った前任者のブレアに比べ、無骨で見栄えのしないブラウン。元労働党党首のニール・キノックからは、"Of course Gordon has got a radio face(ゴードンはラジオ向きな顔に決まってるさ)" と三党の TV 討論会の前日に言われてしまう始末。
様々なメディアがこのことについて記事を書いていて、BBC はバナナとキットカットの比較表を掲載。「倫理的な実践」という項目でフェアトレードについて触れているのがイギリスらしい。イギリスとアイルランドではキットカットはフェアトレード商品として認証を受けているものの、ネスレ社は少々物議を醸し出している様子。
バナナにまつわるネタと言えば、The Sun や The Telegraph によると、2008 年政変時に TV の前でバナナをふりかざしたミルバントは、その後野望は果たせず。今回の選挙の結果といい、バナナは少々縁起が悪いよう。
- BBC Snack stand-off: Banana v KitKat
- The Sun PM Gordon's NINE banana-a-day diet
- Telegraph.co.uk Gordon Brown 'eating nine bananas a day to ween himself off KitKats'
- The Sun Brown has great face for radio, says Kinnock
- Ingredients Network.com Kit Kat given Japanese makeover
Brown & KitKat
I was checking the last 2 seats in the UK election while watching my favorite "Top Gear" last week. My previous blog was written about the General Election seriously…I’m rather interested in silly stories.
For the Election, Gordon Brown started dieting last February to make his image better.
Mr.Brown was addicted to KitKat and had a three-or-four-KitKat-a-day habit. Sarah, who is known as a supportive wife was concerned his health and suggested him to eat 9 bananas a day for diet.
Compared to handsome and media-manipulating Tony Blair, Brown looks dull. Lord Neil Kinnock, ex-Labour's leader said "Of course Gordon has got a radio face" just the day before the first TV debate.
Media wrote various articles about this. BBC told the story with the chart comparing banana and KitKat. It mentions about fair trade in the item "Ethical Credentials". KitKat was certified as fair trade in the UK and Ireland in January 2010. However parent company Nestle still seems to stand in a controversial position.
The article introduced many kinds of flavors of KitKats, apple (Japan). hazelnut (Germany), banana (Canada). Even Japanese unique "Kit-Katsu ("you will win" in Japanese)" for an entrance exam. This article also wrote about it. The British no doubt love nationally well-liked chocolate bars.
There is another story about a banana. According to the Sun and the Telegraph, David Miliband tried to make a good impression with the photo holding a banana during the Labour conference in September 2008, but failed. Bananas seem not going well with politics, the article said.
Brown, chocolate addict, would love Japanese special KitKats. I might deserve a privileged bureaucrat or a member of the House of Lords.
He was defeated in the Election, could he at least succeed in losing weight?
- BBC Snack stand-off: Banana v KitKat
- The Sun PM Gordon's NINE banana-a-day diet
- Telegraph.co.uk Gordon Brown 'eating nine bananas a day to ween himself off KitKats'
- The Sun Brown has great face for radio, says Kinnock
- Ingredients Network.com Kit Kat given Japanese makeover
返信削除そうなんです、ついキットカットに手が伸びてしまう、って辺りが。ゴディバとか高級品でないところに親近感を持てます :-)