
ロンドンの Green Roof

たまたま知った、「ナショナル ジオグラフィック」で提供しているこの壁紙に注目!



"green roof" で検索するといろんな結果が出てきますが、Livingroofs.org はイギリスの Green Roof をまとめたサイトです。

どこに Green Roof があるのかデータベースで検索もできて、フォーラムもあります。自分で Green Roof を作ろう、と DIY のページがあるのもイギリスらしい。懐かしのカナリ―ワーフも。Green Roof だけでなく、Green Wall もあるそうです。

CSR の仕事をしていた頃も、企業のいろいろな環境対策は見ていたけれど、こうした個人の取り組みを見逃していました。




nkmr さん、ありがとう!


Green Roof in London

Look at this pretty picrure of "National Geographic"!

Field on the roof (a wall paper for computer)
Or you can see the image (the rightmost one) and the article.

It's a roof of ex-sausage factory in London.

We often find these green roofs in pictures for various city planning more than decade from now. Not all roofs are implemented as a part of ambitious planninng, more private small roofs can be found as solar photovoltaics in many places.

I could find so many results by searching "green roof". Livingroofs.org is a portal site for green roofs in the UK.

You can find the green roof near from your house from the database or join the forum to exchange your information or discuss pros and cons. There is a typical Biritish feature page...DIY for green roofers. There is my Canary Whalf! There are green walls as well as roofs.

While I was involved with CSR projects, I knew many kinds of corporate environmental measures. But I missed case studies of provate residences.

Well, the image of "field" is a typical English Garden in a point. I figured out the difference between the French and English garden in Shinjuku-Gyoen (a large park in Tokyo). English style prefers the nature as it is.

Several years ago, the UK government has imposed high fees and taxes on residents with solar photovoltaics (I suppose electricity firms pressured the government). Now the government has started to support this new businees as one of economy-boosting measures.

We can find more green roofs in Japan, too. My favorite organic restaurant serves vegetables grown not only at farm but on their roof.

> Thank you, nkmr!

2 件のコメント:

  1. イギリス庭園って「あるがまま系」なんだ!

  2. みづさん
    Maze, that's a good question!(←英語圏でよく使われるその場しのぎの慣用句)

    maze は、もう千年以上前からヨーロッパ全体で流行った庭園要素みたいです。以下の英語のサイトもいろいろ面白いことが書いてありました。


    そして、いくつかのサイトで調べてみたら、イギリスの「あるがまま系」の庭園の歴史は 18 世紀以降に始まったらしく、maze よりずっと後なんですね。。。

