
第 5 の味覚、Umami

Times Online で掲載されていた「うま味、第 5 の味覚の謎」。

逆輸入ネタですが、「甘味」「酸味」「塩味」「苦味」に続く、第 5 の味覚として、イギリスで注目を浴びているのが日本食の「うま味」。



Times Online の記事でも紹介されていましたが、なんと 2009 年 3 月は、うま味発見 100 周年記念ということで、ピカデリーサーカスの大型書店
Waterstones で「うま味サミット in ロンドン」まで開催されたそうです。こちらに開催報告も掲載されています。

それにしても、Waterstones のピカデリー店にこんなセミナースペースがあるだなんて知りませんでした。






Umami, Taste Of Far East

Times Online wrote "Umami: the mystery of the fifth taste."

I reimport this topic from the UK. Creative chefs in the UK are keen on "Umami", this mystery of Japanese cuisine. Umami is one of the key elements in Japanese cuisine as the “fifth taste” following sweet, sour, salt and bitter.

UMAMI Information Center is a organisation which has several offices in Tokyo, London and New York. They are travelling all over the world to introduce this Japanese mystery.

If you would like to know more about Umami, you can buy "
Dashi and Umami: The Heart of Japanese Cuisine".

Times Online mentioned about the Umami Summit in London which was hold at
Waterstone's Piccadilly in London in March 2009 to celebrate 100th anniversary for the discovery. You can find the report here.

I didn't know that Waterstone at Piccadilly had such a big seminar room.

What I remember with Umami goes back to my high school day. My teacher of domestic science taught us about Umami to explain how to cook Japanese traditional soup. Umami seemed a really important issue, we found it was on a semi-final exam.

These days, Sushi became very popular in the UK, and you can find it even at a supermarket like Waitrose. But most of the British still hesitate to eat raw fish. Only upper or middle class has a privilege to eat them.

Generally speaking, British food is taste-less. The Latin European often pour scorn on and write off the British as no sense of taste. I wonder how the British can enjoy this subtle, delicate and beautiful taste.

UMAMI Information Center's Web site introduces not only traditional Japanese cuisine but many kinds of unique fusion inspired by "Umami" culture. Let's have a look and see what's going on with the cross-cultural encounters and new mixture of them!

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