
ジェイミー・オリバー、TED Prize を受賞


TED(Technology Entertainment Design)は、科学者、アーティスト、政治家、ミュージシャン、起業家など、ジャンルにこだわらず興味深い取り組みをしている人々を招いた講演会を毎年アメリカで開催しています。

そのプログラムの1つ、TED Prizeで、今年は日本でもおなじみのイギリス人 TV シェフ、ジェイミー・オリバーが表彰されました。 ビデオは 2 月 10 日に行われた表彰式のスピーチ。


そんな彼が、イギリスに続いて、アメリカで 7 年間続けてきた子どもの食生活改善プログラムの成果が表彰されました。


スピーチの映像には、ところどころ彼のテレビ番組の映像が挿入されています。舞台となったのは、成人の半分が肥満だと言われている West Virginia の Huntington。家族は料理をするということを知らず、冷凍食品やインスタントフードだけが並ぶ食卓、ピザが朝食...それがアメリカのごく一般的な食事の風景。ピザが朝食というところは、イギリスよりさらに重度の症状です。


番組の予告編は、テレビらしく少し挑発的な演出がされていますが、「この子どもたちが、初めて親よりも短い間しか生きることができない世代だ」と子どもの食生活に関する警鐘には切迫感があります。「家庭」「学校」「社会(Main Street)」の 3 つの側面からの改善策は、企業の CSR にまで話は及びますが、消して大金のかかるプロジェクトではない、と彼は説明します。



最近きちんと 3 食摂らないで、食事をなおざりにしがちな私の耳にも痛い限りですが…。


Jamie Oliver won TED 2010 Prize

It's about the food again.

TED (Technology Entertainment Design) organize huge annual conference in the US to invite scientists, artists, politicians, musicians, entrepreneurs, and so on from all sorts of fields.

In the TED 2010 Prize, one of their programs, the prize went to UK's TV chef, Jamie Oliver. He is also famous in Japan. You can watch his speech at the ceremony on 10 February from here or just click the image above.

He became a popular TV chef for his friendly personality and stylish food. He did not become complacent with his status as a celebrity chef. He launched the program to improve school dinner in England and support dropped-out teenagers by offering working experience in his restaurant. He is a real social entrepreneur.

He was commended for his 7-year program to improve children's diet in the US following his achievement in the UK.

A kid take a tomato for a potato (I know they are the same family :-) ) or a cauliflower for a broccoli ...it's still not so serious. You can see the same thing in Japan. Once I read an article about a lunch box at a kindergarten in Japan. It was filled with rice and many cheep sweets. I assume Japan is still ahead of Britain and US in healthy diet, but this article was something for me to blow a whistle.

There are some clips from the trailer of Jamie's TV program in his speech video. He made his new challenge in Huntington, West Virginia where nearly half of the adults are considered obese. Family doesn't know cooking food and pizza is their breakfast. That is normal daily life there. Eating pizza is even worse than in the UK.

Even at school, milk means normally processed product containing a lot of sugar, chemical ingredients and artificial color. He demonstrated how children took in sugar for a year after drinking sugared milk by showing shocking visual.

"Unhealthiest City in America", the trailer of TV program is a bit more straight forward and sensational in TV's emotional way. But what he said "this is the first generation living shorter than parents" is very serious word regarding children's diet and life. He explained his project from three aspects, "Home", "School", and "Main Street." It covered CSR and is a really big topic. But he said it didn't cost a huge amount of money for the project.

While I was staying in London, Jamie was tackling to improve school dinner in England. Not only his TV program but newspapers kept paying attention to this topic. The mighty walls against him is always people's ignorance and dinner ladies' resistance even in the US.

In the last story of his UK's TV program, parents visited school and eat the improved school dinner. They found out what a terrible meal their children ate and that the proper meal made them healthy physically and mentally.

Actually I am not so keen on my meal these days, and don't eat three times a day. It could be my concern, too.

Congratulation, Jamie !

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