
Help! アビー・ロード・スタジオ、売却の危機を逃れるか?


ビートルズが数々の名アルバムを録音したことで知られ、音楽家の評判も高いこのスタジオ、先週までは EMI が売却をほぼ決定し、どこが買収先になるのかと話題になりましたが、昨日方向転換した模様。今は出資先との話し合いが進んでいるようです。

元ビートルズのメンバー、ポール・マッカートニーが存続のために音頭をとったり、 Cats などで有名な作曲家、アンドリュー・ロイド・ウェーバー がスタジオの買収に興味を示したり、ナショナル・トラストイングリッシュ・ヘリテッジまで申し出て、状況は二転三転しているようです。


BBC のニュース動画にもたくさん出ていますが、相変わらずみんなここでお馴染みのポーズの撮影をするんですね。

ところで、埼玉にあるジョン・レノン・ミュージアムが今年の 9 月 30 日で閉館してしまうのが悔やまれます。


Help! Who Could Save Abbey Road Studio

Abbey Road Studio sell-off has become a top issue from last week.

It is well known as a historical music studio where the Beatles recorded many albums and many musicians have loved this top studio. EMI almost decided to sell the studios, media tried to find out who could be the new owner of it. But it seems EMI changed their mind. They started the talk with the third party which would invest in the revitalisation of the North London complex.

Ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney called for Abbey Road to be saved. Lord Lloyd-Webber, the musical composer, was also very interested in buying the studios. National Trust and English Heritage also showed their strong interest to buy the studios. The things are still going backward and forwards.

I always passed Abbey Road by bus on the way to my friend's house. If you can say "I'm living near from Abbey Road", your place sounds so high-status. There are nice old houses around the studio and one of the exclusive residential districts in London. Within a stone's cast of it, you can see a different echnic aspect of the area with many immigrants. London is a maze of town with so many different faces.

Even now, many tourists and Londoners visit here to take a photo imitating the famous record jacket. You can see it in the BBC's video.

By the way, it's such a pity that the John Lennon Museum in Saitama will close on 30 September. I must hurry!

2 件のコメント:

  1. アビーロード、一度、行ってみたいです。



  2. アビーロード、私もじつはバスで通っただけなの。

