
Jamie Heywood :弟が命を吹き込んだ大計画

TED(Technology Entertainment Design)のことを知ったのは、イギリスの TV シェフ、ジェイミー・オリバーの Twitter でのつぶやきからだった。以前、このブログでも彼の表彰スピーチを紹介した。

TED は、著名な方々の革新的なスピーチをインターネット上で惜しみなく、無料で紹介している。それはクリス・アンダーソンの話題の書、「 フリー ~〈無料〉からお金を生みだす新戦略」でも紹介されている。

ネットで全世界に向けて配信する上で必要となってくるのが、動画につける翻訳。なんと TED の動画についた字幕は、全てボランティアの翻訳者・レビュアーによって作成されている。

今回志願して、初めて TED で翻訳をてがけたのが、ジェイミー・ヘイウッドのスピーチ。


でも、この偶然が ALS(筋萎縮側索硬化症)という難病、それだけでなく、人が生きることの本質について、また人が生きていく上でどう社会と関わっているのか、テクノロジーはそのために何をすることができるのか、といったことについて考えるきっかけを与えてくれたのだ。

予備知識も何もなかったので、立岩 真也「ALS 不動の身体と息する機械」など、限られた時間で関連情報を漁った。

ジェイミーは最新のテクノロジーで、ALS 患者であった弟の生そして死を無駄にしないために、病と闘う全ての人のために Web ツールを開発した。果敢な挑戦は Apple のタイムマシーンの技術まで巻き込んで、この辺りはさすが MIT 卒業生。


動画の翻訳は初めてで慣れないこともあったが、無事に翻訳は字幕として公開された。拙い翻訳のレビューをしてくれた Kaori さん、どうもありがとうございました!


Jamie Heywood: The big idea my brother inspired

I found TED (Technology Entertainment Design) by a tweet of Jamie Liver, English TV chef. I wrote about his winner's presentation in my previous post.

TED offers tremendous numbers of speeches by innovative people...scientists, artists, entrepreneurs, activists, and so on. Amazingly they provide all movies for free which is introduced in a simulating book, "Free: The Future of a Radical Price" by Chris Anderson.

Once they started delivering videos across the Internet, the translation for them has been needed for international audience. Believe or not, all translation and subtitles are made by volunteer translators and reviews all over the world.

This is my first challenge to join TED translation project. My first translation was the speech by Jamie Haywood.

To be honest, I selected Jamie "Heywood" when I was about to choose Jamie "Oliver." Then I was given an honorable chance to translate his presentation (sorry, Mr.Haywood...)

This coincidence brought me the chance to think about ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), intractable disease, then why we live, how we connect with people, and what technology could do for us.

As I started without any previous knowledge, I had to find related information (e.g. Books by Shinya Tachiiwa "ALS - immobile body and breathing machine") over a finite period of time.

Jamie utilized cutting-edge technologies to develop Web tool for all struggling patients and not left his brother's life and death in vain. His valiant challenge employed "time machine"... Apple's unique technology. I have no doubt that he is one of the brilliant and skilled MIT graduate.

Generally, life is so cruel. Jamie talked about his activity with strong motivation. I was deeply impressed that he accepted the hard facts of life, tried to do his best and always did not forget to give a benevolent gaze to patients.

It was also a new challenge for me to translate and caption a movie. Now I'm so glad that my translation was published as subtitles. Kaori-san, thank you for helping with my crude translation as a reviewer.



クリストとジャンヌ=クロード展 @ 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT

会社を休んだ日、六本木の 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT で開催されていた「クリストとジャンヌ=クロード展」に行ってきた。


たまたまパリで出会った、同じ 1935 年 6 月 13 日生まれのクリストとジャンヌ=クロード。そこから全ては動きだしたのだ。なんて素敵な偶然だろう。




改めて今回の展覧会で彼らの足跡を見ると、1つのプロジェクトについて、長いと 20 年余りも準備期間がある。それでいて展示期間は数ヶ月以下。有期な存在であるはかなさがアートとして作品の美しさを際立ててよいらしい(同感)。







昨年 11 月にジャンヌ=クロードが亡くなって、長年の二人三脚はなくなってしまったけれども、彼女との約束を果たすべく、アラブ首長国連邦のマスタバ、アメリカのオーバー・ザ・リバーのプロジェクトを実現することをクリストは決意したらしい。その2つが作品として登場するのが楽しみだ。



Christo and Jeanne-Claude LIFE=WORKS=PROJECTS

On the last day of March, I went to the exhibition "Christo and Jeanne-Claude LIFE=WORKS=PROJECT" at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT in Roppongi.

The wrapping of the Reichstag in Berlin (the parliament building during the German Empire) became my first encounter with Christo's work. A documentary film showed how they created the magnificent art work during the Cold War.

Everything started when a Bulgarian boy and a French girl met in Paris in October 1958. It was Chriso and Jeanne-Claude, both of them were born on 13th June 1935. What a beautiful coincidence!!

We can see only one side of their works, as their main works are so huge such as the wrapping of the Reichstag, a bridge across the Seine,
the pink cloth covering Miami's Biscayne Bay, the numerous umbrellas in California and Japan, and so on. All public spaces are the stage for their exhibited.

They changed the familiar appearance of buildings and spaces so that it gives new perspectives to viewers.

Christ made many beautiful drawings of the Pont-Neuf bridge or the Reichstag to develop his idea and project. All images in his drawings are works of his imagination. Amazingly those blueprints look precisely the same with his real works in photos.

In the exhibition, there was a timeline showing duration of each project. Some projects needed more than 20 years for preparation while exhibiting for less than a couple of months. Every their art work has an end.  Brevity makes them more artistic and aesthetic.

Once Paul McCartney said "cooking is the best form of modern art. Every dish will be eaten and destroyed as soon as it comes onto a table…" in an interview. All the time, something beautiful has a end and exist only for a limited period.

There are some films in the exhibition. I saw one of them which described how they developed and created the idea, plan and art work of the Pont-Neuf bridge. Christo was not satisfied to cover the bridge by large cloth. He has sharp aesthetic sense caring each drape to cover it.

The drapes of the wrapping cloth show ethereal beauty and cannot help making us vehemently moved.

They are known as great maestros as well as pioneers in modern art in every respect. They get in, explain, and collaborate with thousands of people through the project. Their works appear in a public space all of sudden, and catch everyone's attention. 

What I love most is the process of their works. They throw a stone to all levels of people for their activities. By the end of completing the works, or even after that, people who never know each other are involved and they start communication. Some criticize the artists and works, the other have in favor. All sorts of things come out.

I was extremely impressed not only by the scale of works, but the broadness of visions.

Apart from other art works, they need permission from many authorities, country, local authorities, people and so on. They always had to have a long way to repeat communications for fruition. Surprisingly Christ enjoys it as a part of his art work.

Since Jeanne-Claude had passed away last November, Christo lost his best partner throughout his long career. He decided to carry on two on-going project even after her death to keep the promise with her. One is "Mustaba" in the U.A.E and "Over river project" in the US. I'm looking forward to see how his new works will surprise us. 

All his drawings and documentaries nearly made me to fly to Berlin or Paris.