


バイナリーコードの入った T シャツは特注か、コンピュータ関連の展示会でしか入手できなさそう。最新機器で武装し、日々最新技術のアップデートに余念がなさそうな様子。

「○×の新しいバージョンって、CPU が今の倍で、△○も搭載されてるのよ!」

そうした意味では、皮肉の利いた WIRED VISION の記事の内容が真実みがあって面白い。とくこの5番目にある、ウインドウズ向けバービーと mac 向けバービーを作り分けるというのは現実味があります。

現在、12.99 ドルで販売中なようです。


それにしても、リカちゃんの英語のスペルは "Licca" なんですね。


Barbie's New Career is Computer Engineer

Many things have rushed in me since last month (not only job), more drafts were left in my document folder. This article is one of them which I spotted last month.

You can see her in the picture a real computer geek.
How could she find the T shirt with binary code printing? It should be custom-made or found at a computer fare. She seems a high-tech lover to chase after latest gadgets and update the latest technology information.

"You know, new xx add-on is compatible with XXX and very cool."
”The latest version of XX's notebook doubled CPU and also implemented....!”
Every morning she cannot start without reporting her technology news. It makes me full enough.

I like this WIRED's article. Their fifth suggestion is to develop 2 different types of Barbies for Windows and mac.

Now the doll is sold for $12.99. How many dolls will be gone?

We also have Japanese version of Barbie, Licca-chan.
When I was a kid, I was not interested in a piano teacher, kindergartner nor bride (they were top 5 careers for Japanese girls around that time, not sure about current girl's dream...). I thought that I needed to prepare an answer to "what do you want to do when you grow up?" I found that Licca-chan's mum was a designer and decided to answer "designer" to such a question. But I was never asked the question.

Well, the spell of the doll is "Licca"....a bit strange.



極東の赤毛のアン in Japan


私の正面にある壁際の席には、まだ 20 代前半だろうか、ほっそりした女性が一人で座っていた。彼女はタバコを指の間に挟みながら、もう一方の手には「アンの青春」を広げている。

タバコと「アンの青春」と、そして原作者のいたカナダから場所も時代も遠く離れた、2010 年の東京。そのアンバランスが何だか気になり、思わず目が行ってしまった。

はたして原作者の L・M・モンゴメリは、遠い極東の地でタバコをくゆわせながら自著を読むうら若い女性のことなど、執筆時に想像できただろうか。そうでなければ、どんな読者を想像したのだろう。あるいは小説を書いている最中に読者のことなど全く思い浮かべなかったのかもしれない。



Anne in The Far East

On the day, I was sitting in a smoking section of a coffee shop.

A willowy girl was sitting at the table by the wall just in front of me. She looked in her early 20s. She had a cigarett in her right hand and a paperback "Anne of Avonlea" in her left one.

Cigarette, "Anne of Avonlea", and Tokyo in 2010...I thought these things were totally far from the time or world of L.M.Montgomery. I could not help taking a look at her.

Could L.M.Montgomery, the authoer of the novel imagine a girl reading her novel with a cigarette in the Far East while writing her novel? Or whom did she imagine as a reader of her novels? Or she might never think about who would read her works.

I wonder whether writers care about their prospective readers.