Agency Republic のホリデーカード
iPhone アプリを絡めた、Agency Republic の "A Way to a Manger" のホリデーカードは気に入りました。ロンドン色満載。
Pukka Holiday Card !
Christmas has nearly gone this year…I missed the chance to create an interactive Christmas card by Flash again this year. Now it’s the time for New Year card.
Every year, many agencies get enthusiastic to send elaborate holiday card to their clients. More and more agencies are not satisfied with Flash animation but original short movies this year.
I really like Agency Republic’s "A Way to a Manger" introducing their iPhone application. It reflects my time in London and make us feeling like walking down in cold air.
This article says “anyone who has ever lived and worked in London knows, getting home after a few drinks is as much a miracle as the birth of Jesus Christ himself…” I’m sure your also cannot stop giggling.
イギリスに 3D 専用 TV チャンネルが 2010 年に登場
一足早く、イギリスでは 2010 年から 3D 専用の TV チャンネルが BSkyB にできて、製品プロモーションやスポーツ番組を放送するらしい。
テレフォンショッピングの映像が 3D で出てきたら、もう自分が使っている気分になって、買わなくても満足してしまったりして…。
3D TV channel coming to UK next year, 3D-ready set and glasses required
3D TV channel coming to UK in 2010 !
3D movie was one of the hottest topic in the IT and entertainment industry in 2009. Everyone is expecting Avatar will make a most brilliant and successful conclusion at the end of the year.
BSkyB will launch a TV channel broadcasting 3D contents for 24 hours in 2010 ! They seem to provide showcase movies and sports programs.
Consumers could get satisfied with telephone shopping by purchasing nothing… only to watch and feel like touching their favorite products in 3D movies just in front of them
3D TV channel coming to UK next year, 3D-ready set and glasses required
Topshop、London Fashion Week とのコラボシリーズ
クリスマスが終わると、ロンドンでは 26 日から一気にセールが始まるものですが、そんな時期にあえてイギリスのファストファッションブランド、Topshop がコラボシリーズをリリース。
London Fashion Week にも参加したデザイナー、Ann-Sofie Back のちょっとゴシック調な服はなかなかカッコいいです。
Topshop designer collaborations for 2010
Topshop’s new collaboration with London Fashion Week
From Boxing Day, people rush into many shops and department stores in London. Topshop, UK’s fast-fashion retailer launches new collaboration series with London Fashion Week.
Ann-Sofie Back designed cool clothes in semi-gothic style.
今年の夏に英語を教わっていた Philip はなかなかの文筆家です。
今回の記事は「英国のクリスマス ’Quintessential Christmas’」。
イギリスのクリスマスに欠かせないもののうち、最後 5 つ目の「文句」はイギリスらしいジョーク溢れる実話です。
スーザン・ボイル ついに日本に登場!
Suzan Boyle's Japan Debut
イギリスの人気オーディション番組 "Britain's Got Talent" に出演し、見事な歌唱力であの鬼&毒舌プロデューサー Simon Cowell を唖然とさせたのはまだ記憶に新しいところ。
彼女の歌声だけでなく、Simon の衝撃を受けた表情が忘れられない感動的な第一回目の映像はこちら
最初は一部のブログやYouTube だけで話題になっていたのが、日本の TV 番組でも取り上げられていたのは驚きでした。ネットによる Global 化はこんなところにも。
Finally, one of the best-known British in the world, Suzan Boyle will make her first appearance on NHK's annual year-end grand song festival.
She stared Britain's Got Talent this year and astonished the most critical and acid music producer, Simon Cowell by her voice.
You can watch her brilliant debut stage on YouTube. You cannot miss her voice and Simon's face while he was left speechless.
Initially, she got famous only in the UK after her debut at the TV program. Once some bloggers and net users had spotted her movie on YouTube, it did not take a long time to make her the hottest singer in the world. I could not believe Japanese TV show introduced her stage. We can see the effect of globalization by the Internet here...
No one doubted she would became the winner among other talented finalists. All sorts of media covered her as a top news even when she lost the first prize and had to stay in a hospital. Her appearance made people enthusiastic with her Cinderella story. Actually I could not help keeping abreast of the news thereafter from Japan.
My colleague and I were always looking forward to her first Japan tour... never expected to see her in Japanese music festival. I wonder whether I can stick around the music festival. Because it is always the time to prepare New Year cards, year-crossing noodles, or New Year dishes !
刑務所から逃走中に Facebook へコメント
9 月から逃走中で現在もまだ捕まっていないらしい。
脱獄してから、すぐには PC や携帯だってないだろうし、
Facebook に行ってみたら、食事の内容や辛辣なメッセージ、
ぼそっとしたつぶやきまで。Yahoo で紹介されたこともあって、
つかまれるのか? Facebook でお友達登録しておくと事情聴取
こちらは Times と Daily Mirror 紙の記事。
- Escaped prisoner Craig Lynch taunts police with Facebook boasts
- Fugitive con Craig Lynch taunts police - on Facebook
Yahoo.co.jp spotted a cool news.
>> The Times
Escaped prisoner Craig Lynch taunts police with Facebook boasts
>> The Daily Mirror
Fugitive con Craig Lynch taunts police - on Facebook
Craig absconded from the jail last September and is still on the way.
Had he updated his Facebook at an internet caf? without PC and mobile?
There are less internet cafes nowadays not only in London but all over the Europe. More people seem to use free-spot or mobile to access the Internet. We, visitors are not so happy about this.
Craig wrote about what he ate, acid wit, and daily mumble. I could find some Japanese comments, since Yahoo.co.jp picked it up as one of their top news.
One day, police may turn up at my place for questioning about a friend registered in my Facebook.
クリスマスプレゼントと Royal Mail Postal Strike

それでもいいですか…」 との断りが。
Christmas Present and the Royal Mail
It's around Christmas. It's also time for me to disguise as Santa for my friends living abroad. See what I sent them.
I started the preparation a bit late this year. When I brought 2 small packets to the UK this Monday, a woman at a post office said "I am sorry, the postal strike is still going on in the UK. We are not sure when your parcels will be delivered. Would you like to send them now...?"
An amazing months-long strike in the UK!
Around this autumn, more than millions of undelivered items have already piled up in the backlog in London. I have no idea how many items they got now.
菊地成孔コンサート 2009 / Naruyoshi Kikuchi Concert 2009
<第二夜>「菊地成孔 ダブ・セクステット」@Bunkamura オーチャードホール

後半は、ゲストの UA も加わって、また違った音楽の世界。
今年観たステージで 5 本の指に入る、記念すべきステージ。
Jazz の進行ってこんな風に 記載するんですね | UA と演奏した ”Over The Rainbow” の譜面 |
Naruyoshi Kikuchi Concert 2009
2009/12/5 (Sat)
The hall had been already filled with electric atmosphere before the performances started.
The first part got cracking with powerful instrumental numbers.
They used not only live audio but many sound effects of dub like sampling and echo..it invited the audience to the buzz world.
In my initial impression, their jazz sounded very orthodox, but it was actually more inimitable and coquettish unlike unplayful and nicey-nicey music.
The second part run on with tonight's guest, UA.
It was a fantastic combination.
This concert was one of the top 5 stages this year.
グレープフルーツ・ジュース - Grapefruit Juice

内容はドラマチック、かつ芸術的、かつ革新的、かつ前衛的・・・そしてとても美しい。 ことばと写真が相まって、詩的な静寂感を湛えている。
この本を読むと、自分の子供時代、あるいはどこか他の場所に置いてきてしまった何かに気づかされる。何か・・・それは imagine すること。
I love grapefruits.
There is no doubt about choosing flavour of grapefruit for ice cream, drink, or whatever to me.
Since I had found "Grapefruit Juice
It's really dramatic, artistic、innovative, avant-garde and very beautiful. Her words and photos collaborate to create poetic tranquility.
After reading this book, I found something left in my childhood or somewhere else. Something...to imagine something.
This is one of my favorite books.