そんな記事が TechCrunch Europe に掲載された。
アメリカの IT 企業のトップはニューヨークにいながら、ポーランドにいる開発者とメールや Skype を使ってやりとりをし、プロジェクトを進めている。
- IT のアウトソーシング先としてよく使われるインドに比べて、最新知識を持った質の高いプログラマーを手頃なコストで確保しやすい。
- (TV制作会社など)アメリカの文化に理解のあるプログラマーが必要。
- ロシア、中国に続いて、世界のトップコーダーの上位 5 位内に入りながら、唯一ラテンアルファベットを使用する国。
皆、よほどこのネタがツボにはまったのか、続々とコメントが舞い込み、コメント欄だけで本文の 7、8 倍以上の長さになってしまった。
ある日、私が依頼内容をメールで送ると、「8 月○日の終業時間までに完了します」という、自動返信メールのような機械的な返信がすぐに飛んできた。
- TechCrunch Europe "Polish programmers are joining U.S. startups -- but staying in Poland"
Is Poland Better than India or China?
English-speaking Polish advanced into the USA...without moving out of their country.
The article appeared in TechCrunch Europe.
It seems Poland is becoming another main outsourcee for IT development.
The manager of the US company in communicates with programmers in Poland by using email and Skype to discuss their project.
The manager of the US company in communicates with programmers in Poland by using email and Skype to discuss their project.
Cross-border collaboration is nothing new, but the company in the article hired programmers as their employee.
The article also put forward the advantages to work with Polish programmers.
- A much better access to quality programmers fluent in modern frameworks and their competitive rates, comparable to what is offered by regular outsource companies in India.
- (Especially western TV productions) a company really needs developers who understand the American culture.
- The only country in top five that uses the Latin alphabet, is just behind Russia and China.
I read this article at lunchtime the day after being published, and couldn't help but read all interesting posts made by the readers.
Despite the article appeared on the Web on Sunday, many people were attracted and left a post after another with their deep interest. Eventually the page was filled with the long comments, nearly the septuple or octuple of the original article.
It was funny to imagine the readers spend whole Sunday to type endless comments and discuss such a topic. Readers often send their views or comments on articles in the USA and Europe. Though, we cannot see such a long list of comments so often.
It contained discussion both for and against, reader's experience (which country is the best to work with, etc.), cultural differences, risk management in the case of development disorder, history of the Communism era, foundation of Poland, and so on…
One says "In my experience, North America, Estonia and Austria were the best to work with", another guy said "Why this author put down India?" by objection..the fierce debate sparked on the Web.
In my personal experience, it was not a great deal to work with India.
One day, as soon as I sent a request by email to the vendor in India, they emailed me in really automatic style, "We will execute your request and get back to you by Friday xx August EOD (IST) ." It was just like an auto-message.
However…..since then I haven't heard anything at all.
As it was still within my expectations and I was not in hurry with it, I left it for another couple of weeks.
After long silence, I emailed again to India.
What they replied was "We had sent across OO last Friday, xx/xx itself. You might not have received it due to heavy email volume on your outlook..." and forwarded the email which they claimed. Though I checked my email box, I could never find the one.
My colleague said to me "None of the US office didn't receive their reply, me neither. Everyone has troubles with the vendor in India recently."
Well, when Indian breaks a dish, what they say is "The dish was broken by itself." We need to expect philosophical discussion when we have to do something with them.
Now back to the article…
After reading through all comments, there can see 2 main points, cultural differences and communications. Despite the evolution of the latest technology and the diversity of communication tools, we still need to understand each other more by communication. It makes everything work perfect and everyone happy.
The USA and European countries often get in trouble while collaborating with India or China (possibly other Asian countries, too). I assume it is caused more by cultural differences and miscommunication rather than by the quality of their skills and technology.
Though we still couldn't find the best practice, it spurs us to challenge new ways.
- TechCrunch Europe "Polish programmers are joining U.S. startups -- but staying in Poland"
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