そんなイギリスで、前回の総選挙の時と同様に、2010 年のワールドカップをレゴで再現した、その名も「Brick-by-brick fussball」を公開中。
今日はついに因縁の対決だったドイツ戦の模様も掲載。 あの疑惑のゴールシュートのシーンも再現。
観客席を埋め尽くすサポーターや、頭の上にヘアキャップがない背番号 10 番はルーニー…というこだわりよう。
ボーナス版として、1966 年大会優勝時の動画もある。ちょっと色味が暗すぎるけど、いまだにイングランド人が語り継ぐ名試合を白黒画面で再現。
もっと見たい人は Lego Fussball のサイトに行くと過去のヨーロッパチームのゲームも見ることができる(ドイツ語)。先々週の日本 vs オランダ戦の再現動画も。
優勝リーグからは離脱してしまったけど、この Lego Fussball で気持ちを励まそう。
- The Guardian "World Cup 2010: Brick-by-brick fussball"
- Lego Fussball
Lego figures of World Cup 2010 "Brick-by-brick fussball"
England's grief is still raw after their team suffered the humiliating defeat last Sunday.
Once I wrote about the Lego figures of the UK General Election. There are also the movies in which Lego figures reproduce the matches in the World Cup 2010, so-called "Brick-by-brick fussball."
The movies show the best scenes in England's games against USA, Algeria and Slovenia. It's so fabulous and pretty!!
Today the site uploaded the last face-off between England and Germany billed as a clash of fate. It caputures the moment of the controversial goal kick by England.
The stands are filled with colourful supporters and a figure without a hair cap has the number 10 on his back...it's Wayne Mark Rooney!
There is a bonus movie of the England's victory in the World Cup 1966. Though the movie uses a bit too dark contrast in black and white, it's the best reproduction of the legendary game for England.
You can find more matches by European team at Lego Fussball (in Germany). Here is the reproduction of Japan vs Netherland game the week before.
Personally...I have a special feeling with Lego, since I played with it in my childhood and made a presentation on the comparative culture of Lego and Diablock (Japanese block toy) at university.
Even after England has already left the field, Lego Fossball still gives me a fun.
- The Guardian "World Cup 2010: Brick-by-brick fussball"
- Lego Fussball